
Is it realistic to get a flat stomach
Is it realistic to get a flat stomach

  • Think of it this way - if you were wearing a light jacket, would the type of exercise you are doing make you want to take it off? You want to choose aerobic exercises that warm your body enough that you’d want to shed a real jacket - brisk walking, cycling, dancing, swimming, and so on.
  • Your exercise goal is to shed that jacket. Think of your body’s layer of fat covering your stomach (and elsewhere) as a “jacket” (one of its purposes, after all, is to hold in body heat). Take off your “fat jacket.” It’s a simple analogy, but helps make the point about the types of exercise that offer the best results for fat reduction and, in turn, a flatter stomach. The tables available through the Mayo Clinic provide examples of how making some relatively simple food “swaps” and portion alterations can help significantly reduce your calorie intake.

    is it realistic to get a flat stomach

    When you’re trying to reduce your calorie intake, it’s important to make each calorie count by choosing low-calorie, high-nutrition foods like vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins.This means, generally speaking, that you need to burn 500 more calories per day than you consume in order to lose a pound a week, which is considered a healthy weight reduction rate. In basic terms, one pound of fat equals roughly 3,500 calories.X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source

    is it realistic to get a flat stomach

    Reducing your calorie intake will cause your body to turn to its internal fuel reserve - the fat you are seeking to eliminate. If you want a flatter stomach, you need to reduce your body fat, and you do that by burning more calories than you consume.

    Is it realistic to get a flat stomach